171 This computer must be connected to the internet to install %PROD%. Please check your internet connection and click Retry to complete the installation.
172 An installation of %PROD% is already running. Please wait for the installation to complete before running it again.
173 Your download of %PROD% did not complete successfully. To fix this problem, click Restart Download.
174 Are you sure you want to cancel %PROD% installation?If you're having trouble with the RealPlayer installer, trya different RealPlayer installer by clicking the <b>AlternateInstaller</b> button below.
175 The internet connection was lost. The install process is paused, and will automatically continue when internet connection is established.
176 Preparing to install %PROD%
177 To complete installation and enable %PROD%'s Download this Video feature, you must close any open browser windows. Click <b>OK</b> to automatically close your web browser now.
178 Select Destination
179 This location is not valid. Please enter a new location.
180 Your download of %PROD% did not complete successfully.
1099 RealDVD cannot install on virtual installations of Windows or other virtual machines.
1100 This computer does not meet the system requirements.
1101 The same or newer version of %PROD% is already installed.Click <b>OK</b> to overinstall with this version of %PROD%.
1103 As a Restricted User you do not have adequate Windows operating system rights to use this program to install software. Please contact your system administrator for help.
1104 Arial
1105 16
1106 6
1110 Click here for details
1111 A new version of RealPlayer is available
1112 Show Details
1113 Exit
1114 1 day
1115 7 days
1116 14 days
1117 Don't remind again
1118 &Cancel
1119 Continue &without Plus
1120 &Upgrade to latest Plus
1121 <b>A previous version of RealPlayer Plus has been detected</b>If you continue to install the free version of RealPlayer, you will <i>lose access</i>to your premium features such as DVD Burning and advanced video options.To keep your premium features, click Upgrade to latest Plus below.
1122 Not enough disk space free on drive %SPACE_DRIVE%. This application requires %SPACE_MB% MB of free disk space to install. Please increase the amount of free disk space on drive %SPACE_DRIVE% (or select a different drive with adequate space) and try again.
1123 Not enough free disk space. This application requires %SPACE_MB% MB of free disk space to install. Please increase the amount of free disk space and try again.
1124 An update to RealPlayer is available. To install thisupdate, click Install.
1125 The same or newer version of %PROD% is already installed. Click OK tooverinstall with this version of %PROD%.